About us

We’re a company specializing in custom awards and hand-crafted hiking sticks.


Operating for over 40 years


Custom Medals Sold


Hiking Sticks Sold

Tom Cabot likes a challenge.  He is always looking for a creative solution to an everyday problem.  That’s what started The Hermann Werks over 30 years ago.   He needed to find an inexpensive award for a sporting event.  When he complained to a manufacturer about the cost of a custom medallion, he was told to become a distributor if he wanted a better price.    So he did.   He has helped thousands of organizations with their award challenges ever since.

Although The Hermann Werks started as an awards supplier it quickly grew to encompass much more.   Today, the shape of the business is changing.   The second generation is taking on an arm of the business to free up Tom and Julaine to enjoy more travel and leisure activities.  Tom and Julaine’s daughter, Aimee, and her husband, Donnie, are taking an increasingly forward role in The Hermann Werks.   Donnie, being the outdoor adventurer he is, has taken on the business hiking stick order fulfillment. Aimee is our techy and is in the fore front of building business through emerging technologies.

Aimee will also start assisting those in need of custom cast medallions by partnering with our manufacturers to streamline the ordering and designing process.  Stock homebrew medallions are available in small to large quantities at a very affordable price point and a quick turn around.  The colorful hiking stick shields have continued to be a favorite as hikers enjoy decorating their hiking sticks with commemorative shields highlighting their various hiking adventures.

We hope our website will answer many of your questions.  When you need personal assistance, please drop us an e-mail at awards@hermannwerks.com.  We will respond as quickly as possible to address your questions and fill your orders.


Tom and Julaine Cabot

Tom & Julaine Cabot

Donnie & Aimee Viehmann